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We offer the 15 hour and 30 hour entitlement without any additional charges.  All children are entitled to 15 hours the term after their 3rd birthday. At Treehouse this is delivered as three 5 hour mornings, from 08.30-13.30.

The 30 hour entitlement is for working parents of three and four year olds and this is offered as five 6 hour mornings, from 08.30-14.30.

Some two year olds are eligible for Early Years Funding. To check if you are eligible, please go online to Childcare Choices.

For unfunded two year olds there are 5 hour sessions costing £37.50 per morning (08.30-13.30).

Working parents can also recover up to £2,000 per year in childcare costs through Tax-free Childcare. GOV.UK provides further details.

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